
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Verum) (दालचीनी) | Introduction | Medicinal Benefits | Usage

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Verum) ( दालचीनी ) Introduction : Cinnamon Bark Cinnamon has been a popular aromatic spice since ages. It is one of the favorite spices of chefs around the world. Cinnamon is a herb and Ayurveda has defined usages of Cinnamon in several diseases. Being one of the best antioxidants, It is cultivated in the southern tropical part of the Indian subcontinent and China. It is native to Sri-Lanka. Vasco Da Gama, who discovered India, actually started his journey in quest of herbs and spices like Cinnamon. Cinnamon's Common Names Cinnamon’s plant is 5-20 meters long, brown in color, with rough and aromatic bark. Leaves are 7-15 cm long and 3-7 cm wide, distinct leathery with parallel veins that bind both edges and contain strong fragrance, bitter in taste, and pink to greenish in color. Flowers are yellow, tiny, and grow in clusters, green and white in color. Fruiting period is from July to December. Cinnamon Berry (fruit) is 1-2 cm long, oval in shape, viole

Neem (Azadirachta Indica) (नीम) | Introduction | Benefits | Usage

Neem (Azadirachta Indica) ( नीम ) Introduction: Neem (Azadirachta Indica): Truth be told Neem is going to beat all kinds of diseases, There is no harm to the body by using Neem, Neem Makes healthier and make you disease-free. Neem tree emits oxygen at night whereas all other trees produce carbon dioxide. Special praise has been made for the use of soft leaves. This purifies blood and do prevent terrible diseases like Chickenpox and other skin infection. Researchers have proven that Neem is fatal to approx 180+ insect species. Some researches shows Neem is having Anti-Cancer properties too. Neem Common Names Neem is usually found everywhere in the Indian sub-continent, Neem tree height is about 15-40 meter long, Tree is huge, with straight and ruff surfaced trunk. Leaves grow bushy, alternately, 20–30 cm long, cut at the edges, bright green in color. Its fruits are smooth from out and sticky from inside, elliptical in shape, 1.5 cm long, initially green and turn yellow to brown as

Moringa (Moringa Oleifera) (सहजन) | Introduction | Benefits | Usage

Moringa (Moringa Oleifera) ( सहजन ) Introduction: Moringa (सहजन) : Moringa is counted as a Super Food, as many research paper have been published upon moringa. Moringa is high in calcium, which makes bones strong. In addition, it contains iron, magnesium, vitamin C and cilium. Moringa contains vitamin A, which has been used for beauty since ancient times. Eating this green vegetable often keeps old age away. It also improves the eyes sight. It is a good blood purifier.  There are usually three categories of moringa Black sahajana (श्याम सहजन) White sehjana (श्वेत सहजन) Red sehjana (लाल सहजन)  

Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) (ग्वारपाठा) | Introduction | Benefits | Usage

9 Superb Benefits of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) (ग्वारपाठा) Aloe vera Common Synonyms Botanical Name Aloe barbadensis miller   English Aloe vera Hindi ग्वारपाठा Sanskrit Ghritkumari ( घृतकुमारी ) Other  Lolisar, Kalband, Kattale, Giukumari Family  Liliaceae Aloe vera ( ग्वारपाठा ) : Aloe vera can be found everywhere. Usually, people grow it in flower pots at their home or in their gardens and farmhouse. Geographically there are many species of the plant which are used for medicinal purposes. Basic specifications of Aloe vera are: 30-60 cms long, around 10 cms broad, 18 mm thick. The leaves are fleshy, green color, and have soft thorns on the edge. The plant does not have trunk/stem, straight leaves grow out around its root. It is bitter in taste. From the middle of the plant, grows an orange flower. When we cut a leaf of the plant, a wet and sticky fluid comes out which coagulates when cooled down, this fluid is called Kumari-saar .

Aparajita (Clitonia ternatea) (शंखपुष्पी) | Intro | Benefits | Usage

Aparajita (Clitonia ternatea) ( शंखपुष्पी ) Aparajita Common Synonyms Botanical Name Clitonia ternatea  English butterfly pea, pigeon wings, winged-leaved clitoria Hindi शंखपुष्पी, अपराजिता,   कलिजार, कोयल Sanskrit Gokarni , yonipushpa, vishnukranta, mahashveta Other Shankhpushpi , girikarni Family Fabaceae Clitonia ternatea   ( अपराजिता ) :   Aparajita the one who cannot be defeated by anyone is said to be aparajita, so aparajita cannot be defeated by any disease. Second most fascinating thing about aparajita is its flowers blue and white-colored flowers can grab one’s attention due to its unique shape like cow’s ear and color. Aparajita is a great brain tonic. Aparajita is a climbing or creeping ropelike plant with approx 2-meter length, it’s flowers grow in rainy seasons, it’s leaves are smaller and rounded in shape, it’s beans are 0f 5-12 cms, flat slightly curled like peas. It contains 5-10 seeds which are also used as a herb.

Tinospora Cordifolia ( Giloy ) | Introduction | Benifits | Usage

Common Names Botanical - Tinospora Cordifolia English– Tinospora, Heart-leaved moonseed Hindi– Giloy, Guduchi, guruch Other – Amrita , Amrit-bel, amritvalli Family - Menispermaceae Introduction Giloy has umpteen medicinal properties. It is also known as Amrita which means the elixir of immortality. This herb has plentiful usages in general as well as fatal diseases. Its stem is the most useful part, it’s Root and Panchang (mix of all five elements of the plant) are also used in many treatments. It is consumed in various forms like juice, powder, extract(satva), kwath, tablet. Giloy is a climbing or creeping ropelike plant that can be found almost everywhere over walls, trees, and buildings. Neem giloy (one which climbs over the neem tree)   is very prominent for medicinal purposes . Ayurvedic Properties Kapha – shamak                vaat – karak         pitta - shamak Bitter, Astringent, Laghu, Deepan, Chakshushyam, Dhatukrit, Medhayam, Bayasthaapan

Withania somnifera ( Ashwagandha )

Common Names Withania somnifera ( Ashwagandha ) English - Winter Cherry Hindi - Ashwagandha Previous Next Introduction Ashwagandha: usually found on the place which is 2000-2500mtr above the sea level, it is cultivated and also found in the forest. when you crumble the Original ashwagandha’s root it smells like a horse. It has generally two types 1.small ashwagandha finds in Nagur(Rajasthan) or big ashwagandha finds in lawn, farms, backyards, and forests. Ayurvedic properties Energy booster, vrihant, rasayan, vajikarana, naadi-balkarak, deepan, pushtikarak, shukrakarak, dhatu-vardhak, digestive, stress reliever, bitter, anti-fever, anti-bacterial, immune modulator. Benefits stress reliever and reduces anxiety reduces blood sugar level anti-cancer properties reduces cortisol levels reduces