Aparajita (Clitonia ternatea) (शंखपुष्पी) | Intro | Benefits | Usage

Aparajita (Clitonia ternatea) (शंखपुष्पी)

Aparajita Common Synonyms
Botanical Name
Clitonia ternatea 

butterfly pea, pigeon wings, winged-leaved clitoria
शंखपुष्पी, अपराजिता, कलिजार, कोयल
Gokarni, yonipushpa, vishnukranta, mahashveta
Shankhpushpi, girikarni

Clitonia ternatea  (अपराजिता): Aparajita the one who cannot be defeated by anyone is said to be aparajita, so aparajita cannot be defeated by any disease. Second most fascinating thing about aparajita is its flowers blue and white-colored flowers can grab one’s attention due to its unique shape like cow’s ear and color.

Aparajita is a great brain tonic.

Aparajita is a climbing or creeping ropelike plant with approx 2-meter length, it’s flowers grow in rainy seasons, it’s leaves are smaller and rounded in shape, it’s beans are 0f 5-12 cms, flat slightly curled like peas. It contains 5-10 seeds which are also used as a herb.

                   Ayurvedic Properties (Gun-dharm) of Aparajita                

Balances all three Doshas Vaat Pitta and Kapha
Rasa (Taste)
Katu (pungent), Tikta (bitter), kasay (astringent)
Guna (Qualities)
Laghu (light), Ruksh (dry)
Virya (Potency)
Sheeta (Cold)
Vipka(Post Digestion Taste)


Aparajita Medicinal Benefits and Usage

  1. Brain Powers: aparajita is mainly used as a brain tonic, it improves memory and concentration, it is also suggested for mentally weaker or undeveloped brain disorders. Its juice is being used as nasay kriya in headache, drops of Nasya in each nostril.
  2.  Throat: aparajita leaves are good for tonsils, improves voice quality and goitre
  3.  Eyes: white aparajita is used for externally applying to improve eyesight and vision
  4. Skin: aparajita’s root often use for externally apply on Skin disease like pimples, pox, acne, skin outbreaks.
  5. Anti-inflammatory: aparajita has Anti-inflammatory properties, relieves indigestion and malabsorption.
  6. Panchakarma: aparajita is used as a handy herb in panchakarma nasay procedure.
  7. Respiratory system: aparajita’s root found helpful in cough, asthma. And also strengthen the heart.
  8. Urinary Disease: 2gm of aparajita’s root powder with hot water or milk thrice a day useful in dysuria and also helps in renal calculus (Ashmari).
  9. Normal Delivery: It might sound myth, but it is said that wrapping sprig in woman’s waist helps quicker delivery and reduces pain.
  10. Menstrual Disorders: aparajita’s juice has a quick response in menorrhagia.
  11. Fever: it is also used in fever.


Useful: Root, Flowers, Thrib, Seeds

Above Post is for Information Purposes, data are collected from various literatures or experiences of many physicians (vaidya). Please do consult your doctor before trying.


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