Akarkara (Anacyclus Pyrethrum) (अकरकरा) | Introduction | Medicinal Benefits | Usage

Akarkara (Anacyclus Pyrethrum) (अकरकरा)


Common Synonyms of Akarkara

Botanical Name

Anacyclus Pyrethrum

Akarkara (अकरकरा)


Pellitory root, Spanish pellitory






Akkalkari, akorkaro, akkirakaram, aakarkara, audul-qarha, kulekhara, akalkara




Akarkara (अकरकरा) Introduction:


Akarkara is a miraculous herb, basically native of the middle east. Akarkara is being cultivated in some regions of India. It grows in the rainy season. Akarkara is hot in potency; one can feel by chewing Akarkara. And as you chew Akarkara a sensation begins to run all around your mouth tongue and throat, which can last for up to 5 minutes. There are three types of Akarkara.

  • Anacyclus pyrethrum
  • Spilanthes Acmella (Indian Akarkara)
  • Acmella paniculata

Akarkara is useful for arthritis inflammation, pain, indigestion, improves sexual performance of men, detoxification, improve brain function, skin problems. And it is used in alternative medicinal practices like Unani and homeopathy.

Akarkara (Anacyclus Pyrethrum)

            Akarkara Ayurvedic Properties (Gun-dharm)  


Pacify Kapha and Vata dosha

Rasa (Taste)

Katu (Pungent)

Guna (Qualities)

Ruksha (dry), Tikshna (piercing)

Virya (Potency)

Ushna (Hot)

Vipka(Post Digestion Effect)

Katu (Pungent)


Aphrodisiacs, Libido stimulant, Diuretic, Expectorant, Analgesic (Toothache), Androgenic, Spermatogenic, Anti-amnesiac, Anticonvulsant, Brain Tonic


 Akarkara Medicinal Benefits and Usage

1.      Akarkara for Dental problems: Akarkara is well known for its uses in dental problems, you can find many of it in dant manjan and toothpaste.

o   Toothache: Grind akarkara flower and with camphor and rock salt, massage it on your gums and teeth with a finger to reduce all types of dental pain.

o   Toothache: Chewing Akarkara flowers provide relief in toothache and mouth odor.

o   Toothache: make a fine powder of akarkara root, flower, turmeric, and rock salt and mix some mustard oil in it and massage it on your gums and teeth with a finger, reduces all types of dental pain.

o   Mouth odor: make a fine powder of Akarkara, Nagarmotha, roasted alum, black pepper, and rock salt. Brushing with this mixture daily is beneficial in all the disorders of teeth and gums and bad the smell of the mouth.

2.     Akarkara for the throat:

o   Melodious Voice: having 500 mg of Akarkara powder daily, for a melodic throat for children and singers. Alternatively gargling with Akarkara decoction also beneficial for the throat.

o   Cough: having decoction of Akarkara and soonth powder (dry ginger), 10-20 ml twice a day, it cures chronic cough.

o   Hiccough: Licking 500mg of akarkara root powder with honey to a miracle in hiccups.

3.     Akarkara for the heart: Make fine powder of Arjuna's bark and Akarkara root, have half a teaspoon of it twice a day is beneficial in tremor, pain,  nervousness, and weakness.

4.     Akarkara for Digestion: Akarkara itself improves Digestion as it stimulates the secretion of saliva as well as digestive enzymes, helpful in indigestion, alternatively you can have Soonth powder and Akarakara, both 1 gram will help in low digestive fire.

5.     Akarkara in Sexual Diseases: akarkara has superb results in male impotence, low sperm count, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, male infertility. You can use akarkara with ashwagandha, Shatavar, swet musli, kali musli, javitri, konch beej, gokshura, vidhari kand, Kesar as per need or by doctors consultation.

o   Androgens hormones: It improves the secretion of androgens and raises their production. Androgens are hormones responsible for male features and reproduction.

o   Sperm Counts: mix 30 gm each akarkara powder, ashwagandha powder, satavar powder, konch beej powder, swet musli powder. Have 1 spoon of it twice a day. It also helps to enhance the formation of testosterone and increase the sperm count.  

o   Erectile Dysfunction: Akarakar regular consumption found helpful in healing erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Useful: Root, flower, Panchang


Powder- 1 teaspoon



** Above Post is for Information Purposes, data are collected from various literature or experiences of many physicians (vaidya). Please do consult your doctor before trying. **



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