Weight & Measures In Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Mesures and Weights

Weight & Measures In Ayurveda 

Measurement is not always used to be in Grams or in Kilograms or in Tons, different ancient Weight & Measures had been used for ages in the History of humanity. we believe humans discover weighing when they started trading. an equal amount of 'X' thing for an equal amount of 'Y' thing. but now we are going to understand An Ancient and significant Mesures and Weight according to Ayurveda. 

In Ayurveda there are significant Weight & Measures were there called Ratti, masa, tola, ser, maan, etc. Ayurvedic Classical Scriptures have described Weighing units in ancient times. We are not used to these, for reference Let's have some deeper understanding of these with today's measurements and weighing units.

Ratti, Masha, Tola, Ser, Maan

1 Ratti(रत्ती) = .121 gm(ग्राम)
6 Ratti = .729gm
8 Ratti = 1 Masha = .972 gm
3 Masha = 1/4 Tola(तोला) = 2.916 gm
12 Masha = 1 Tola = 11.664 gm
80 Tola = 1 Ser(सेर) = 933.1 gm
40 Ser = 1 Maan(मण) = 37.324 kg


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