Clove ( Syzygium aromaticum) (लौंग) | Introduction | Common Names | Benefits | Usages | Gallery
Clove ( Syzygium aromaticum) Introduction
Clove is originally originated in Maluku Island in Indonesia but In India clove is cultivated in the Southside like Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Throughout India, clove is mainly imported from Singapore. Flowering starts in clove when it starts turning almost into 9 years. It's flowers' buds are sold in the market as clove after drying it.
Clove is mainly used as a spice in the kitchen. Clove is pyramidal shaped, grows up to 9-12 m in height & an evergreen tree. Its stem is straight, strong, and wide with many branches and leave are simple, opposite, 7.5 -15 cm large with crimson flowers gathered in a terminal bundle. Dried flower buds are called a clove. And it's flowering & fruiting time is from January to May.
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Clove(लौंग, लवंग) |
Clove dried flowers' bud contain Vitamin- B, protein, carbohydrates, phosphorus, eugenol ( primarily reliable for clove fragrance), oleanolic acid, and volatile oil.
Clove has great medicinal significance as it is used in killing helminth, helps in reducing the growth of cancer cell, helps in reducing ulcer, increase appetite, reduce the smell of our body and also help in suppressing vomiting, cough, toothache, hiccups & flatulence.
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Clove Common Names |
Clove Medicinal benefits and usages
- Head diseases
- Cephalgia(foam of headache)- Grind 6gm clove in the water (warm) and make a condensed paste and apply this paste on the ear's template will help in suppressing cephalgia.
- For eyes- Grind the clove into brass utensils and mix honey, having eyewash from it will suppress eye disorders.
- Nasal diseases- Clove has been used as a remedy for cold since ancient times. The vapor of the clove helps in getting breath easily.
- Headache due to cold- Grind 2 cloves and 60-65 mg Bhang with water & warm it, applying this paste on the forehead will suppress headache.
- Mouth problems- As clove is having anti-microbial quality which helps in killing bacteria and with this clove also helps in ameliorating buccal cavity.
- Toothache- Put clove-oil into the cotton and applying on teeth will suppress toothache and will kill bacteria of teeth.
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Clove ( Syzygium aromaticum) |
- Thorax diseases-
- The smell of breath- keeping clove into the mouth removes the smell of mouth & breath.
- Asthma- Take equal part of Clove, Madar's (आंकड़ा) flower, and black salt and grind, make the gram like structure from it, keeping this gram like a ball into the mouth and sucking this will suppress asthma and respiratory disorders.
- Whopping cough- Take 3-4 clove to fry this on fire, grind it and mix honey, licking this will help in whopping cough.
- Abdominal diseases- Clove is one of the best remedies for abdominal disease treatment like- indigestion, bloating, hiccups, hyperacidity. And clove is having the quality of anti-inflammatory.
- Dyspepsia (a type of indigestion)- Mix 1gm clove and 3 gm myrrh make the decoction from it and mix a little amount of rock salt in this, feeding this will help in Dyspepsia and diarrhea.
- Nausea- Grind clove with water & give it heat, drinking this slowly will help in Nausea and dipsia.
- Flatulence- Make the small ball of 325-325 mg after grinding 10 gm clove, 10gm dry ginger ( Sonth/ सोंठ), celery & 10 gm rock salt, and 40 gm jaggery. Take one ball in twice to thrice part in a day will keep you far from flatulence.
- Abdominal problems- Giving oil of clove gives instant relaxation from flatulence.
- Make the powder by taking an equal part of nutmeg, clove, and cumin, take 2 gm of this powder with honey & sugar will help in Diarrhoea & stomachalgia.
- Make the powder by taking clove, dry ginger (sonth), 10-10 gm, and celery and rock salt 12-12 gm Taking 1 gm this powder after food with water will help in Dyspepsia and hyperacidity.
- Clove also helps in hiccups, indigestion, and cholera.
- The reproductive part related-
- Vomiting during pregnancy- Feeding फाण्ट* of clove will stop vomit of pregnant lady but don't give this फाण्ट in fever.
- Vomiting- Mix 1 gm clove powder with Syrup ( Cashani/ चाशनी) of mishri and in pomegranate juice, licking this to a pregnant lady will stop her vomiting.
- Bones related problem- A good amount of manganese is found in clove which helps in making our bones strong and healthy and also good for the brain.
- Arthritis- Applying oil of clove helps in arthritis
- Overall body related problems-
- Burning sensation
- Fever
- Sinus
Useful part:
• Lavang oil -2-3 drops per day
• Lavang Powder- 1-2 gm per day
• Lavang Whole - 1-3 a day
** Above Post is for Information Purposes, data are collected from various literature or experiences of many physicians (vaidya). Please do consult your doctor before trying. **
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