
Eranda (Castor oil plant), (Ricinus communius)(एरण्ड ) | Introduction | Common Names | Benefits | Usages | Gallery

Eranda ( Castor oil plant )( Ricinus communius ) Introduction: Eranda's small plant or shrub can be found up to 2000 m altitude in forest soil. The oil which is extracted from its seed kernel is an unhazardous laxative. Eranda is used for multiple purposes in ayurvedic medicine as it has numerous medical qualities. It is one of the best medications for treating constipation and teeth ailments. Eranda seed oil is effective for a person suffering from rheumatism. The patient who is suffering from hemorrhoids, Fistula, rectal prolapse can ex-out their stool without any pressure if they are fed Eranda pak. Castor

The Fire Element | Panchmahabhoot

What is a Fire Element?  The fire element, Also known as "Agni", It is the third of the Pancha mahabhootas(five super elements). fire elements evolve from space(ether) and air elements. ether or space needed to form fire (which never gets still) and the air is needed to burn. What is Fire? The fire element represents light and heat. Fire produces energy for the body. Fire is the process of releasing energy from its source.   The factor of the fire element is rupa (formation or color). Fire produces the light and due to light the sense of vision is taking place, and the associated organ through we sense vision is eyes. disorders related to Vision perception are due to the fire element.

Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) (अजवायन) | Introduction | Medicinal Benefits | Usage | Common Names | Gallery

Ajwayan (Ajwain) (Trachyspermum ammi) ( अजवायन )  Introduction : Ajwain Aka Carom Seeds, a common key spice in Indian cuisine. Ajwain is native of the middle east, today it is cultivated in western states of India. Today's spice is well known for its medicinal benefits for ages. I am sure we all might have heard from our grandparents to have Ajwayan for bloating and gastric. Ajwain is blessed with incredible nutrition, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Common Synonyms Botanical Name Trachyspermum Ammi Trachyspermum Ammi   English The bhishop’s weed, Ajova seed, Carom Hindi अजवायन Sanskrit Yavanika, Deepika, deepya, ajmodika yavani Other Yamani, Yavan, Vom, Ajamo, Amusa, Nankha, Jinan Family Apiaceae In Indian tradition after pregnancy a special laddu made with ajwain Jaggery and ghee are strongly suggested to have, it helps purify uterus and suppress pain, improve digestion and appetite.

The Air Element | Pancha mahabhoota

What is Air Element?   What is Air? The air element, Also known as “Vayu”. Air is the second of the Pancha-mahabhootas. because it originated from the ether. The air element represents the motion, the flow, the moment, a form of kinetic energy. The factor of air is "Touch"(स्पर्श) . In our body, the skin (to sense touch) and The hands (to reach out to touch) are associated organs of Air element. Talk about qualities of air Element, Air is mobile as it is flowing, Air is light, the air is cool until it meets fire element, Air is dry until it combines with the water element, Air is rough, the air is subtle, and the air is clear until it mixes up with earth or water.  Air Element

Garlic (Allium sativum)(लहसुन) | Introduction |Common Names | Benefits | usages | Gallery

Garlic Introduction  : According to Ayurveda, Garlic do possess five tastes Madhur(sweet), Lavan(salty), Tikta(bitter), kashaya(astringent), katu(pungent) (Pancharasa). Garlic have a great health benefits such as it improves the immune system, improves eye vision, strengthen the digestive fire ( दीपन ), good heart, brain tonic ( मेध्य ), aphrodisiac ( वृष्य ), and too a Rasayana. It is a blood purifier( रक्तशोधक ), aids in healing of fractures ( अस्थिभंग ). In Sanskrit Garlic is called as “Super Herb” ( महौषध ). Because garlic have fantastic results in diseases occur due to Vata imbalance, its rejuvenating property, produces sperm, helpful in skin diseases, Maharshi Vagbhata considered garlic ( महौषध ) the best Vata pacifier. “Garlic” Common Synonyms Botanical Name Allium Sativum Garlic English Garlic Hindi लहसुन Sanskrit लहसुन :, महौषध : , उग्रगन्ध :, यवनोष्ट :, रसोनक :

The Ether or space Element | Pancha mahabhoota

Ether Element Introduction: What is the space element? Ether is the vast area but it doesn't have a boundary, it is often referred to as “Emptiness” or sky or “space”. Ether is the first one of the great elements, because it is the most subtle element of all. The factor of Ether element is sound because, The origin of ether is word(शब्द). let's understand the sense of “sound” in the human body, the ear is the organ to sense the sound or ‘element ether’, and the mouth is its organ to produce the sound. simply, diseases related to hearing and voice are diseases that relate to deterioration or unbalance of the ether element. Ether Element

7 Wonderful Benefits of Pudina (Mentha Spicata) (पुदीना) | Introduction | Medicinal Benefits | Usage

Pudina (पुदीना) Introduction: Pudina is a common necessity of today's kitchens, some recipes are incomplete without Pudina, and it is easy to plant so it is easy to find in gardens and homes everywhere in India pudina grows itself in a lower place of Himalayan regions. But the fact is pudina’s ancient uses are found in Unani medicines for indigestion, joints pain, cough, fever, etc, so it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is native to the Middle East. Externally it is small earthy, strong fragrant, 20-100 cm tall, it has a straight, multiple branches, leaves are green, opposite, fragrant, flowers are tiny and clustered and floral period is from August to October.

Pancha Mahabhoota | Earth, Water, Fire, Ether, and Wind

Pancha Mahabhoota   Panch mahabhoota made with three words panch, maha, bhoota. Panch means five and maha refers to great, bhoota refers to elements that exist, combine meaning would be “Five great elements of existence”. According to Ayurveda scriptures and Scholars, these fundamental elements are responsible for the creation of the universe, including humans. There is a balance of these five elements in the universe. The Elements are Space, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Every element has a specific role in itself. If this balance is disturbed it can be dangerous for the universe and also for the people. These five elements are called Pancha-mahabhoota.    क्षिति जल पावक गगन समीरा । पंच रचित यह अधम शरीरा ।।             - Tulsidas ji    

10 Astonishing Benefits of Swet Musli (chlorophytum borivilianum) (श्वेत मूसली) | Introduction | Medicinal Benefits | Usage | Gallery

Swet Musli (chlorophytum borivilianum) (श्वेत मूसली) Introduction: Shvet Musli  ( श्वेत   मूसली ) : Chlorophytum borivilianum is herb with lanceolate( narrow oval shape tapering to a point at each end. ) leaves, from tropical wet forests in India sub-continent. The Hindi name is safed musli aka musli. Its roots are used as a health tonic in ancient Ayurveda as well as in Unani, and Homeopathy. In Ayurveda, it is used as 'Rasayan’. It increases sexual strength, vitality, might reduce cortisol level, and according to studies it might uses in stress, inflammation, diabetes, arthritis, bodybuilding. Swet Musli Cultivation 

11 Amazing benefits of Apamarg (Achyranthes Aspera ) (लटजीरा) | Introduction | Medicinal Benefits | Usage

Apamarg (Achyranthes Aspera) (लटजीरा) Introduction:   Apamarg means one which balances doshas, calms over hunger (Bulimia), heals Teeth diseases, relives Urinary Diseases. It is also a very handful herb in many diseases. Apamarg (Achyranthes Aspera)