Garlic (Allium sativum)(लहसुन) | Introduction |Common Names | Benefits | usages | Gallery

Garlic Introduction :

According to Ayurveda, Garlic do possess five tastes Madhur(sweet), Lavan(salty), Tikta(bitter), kashaya(astringent), katu(pungent) (Pancharasa). Garlic have a great health benefits such as it improves the immune system, improves eye vision, strengthen the digestive fire (दीपन), good heart, brain tonic (मेध्य), aphrodisiac (वृष्य), and too a Rasayana. It is a blood purifier(रक्तशोधक), aids in healing of fractures (अस्थिभंग).

In Sanskrit Garlic is called as “Super Herb” (महौषध). Because garlic have fantastic results in diseases occur due to Vata imbalance, its rejuvenating property, produces sperm, helpful in skin diseases, Maharshi Vagbhata considered garlic (महौषध) the best Vata pacifier.

“Garlic” Common Synonyms

Botanical Name

Allium Sativum







लहसुन:, महौषध:, उग्रगन्ध:, यवनोष्ट:, रसोनक:


Shunam(Gujrati), Velulli(Telgu), Vellaipundu(Tamil), Rasun(Bengali), Foam, Seer




Garlic is the second most important bulb crop after onion. Garlic has been cultivated throughout India for a very long time. Garlic is grown in many states of India like - Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Andra Pradesh and Maharashtra. Garlic has been used as spices and medicines. Garlic has multiple benefits with a strong smell and the best thing is, it is good in taste. Throughout the world, it is used in the kitchen while cooking for adding extra flavor. Garlic makes our immune system strong, garlic helps in improving cholesterol level, it also purifies the blood and it assists to keep glucose level low.

Garlic is a bulb-like structure with long and smooth leaves like grass. Its flowers are greenish-white or pink which are gathered jointly at the edge of a lengthy stalk. Garlic is similar to onion and garlic possess some segments, called cloves.

Garlic bulb contains vaporized oil and garlic is a good source of vitamin-C, folic acid & amino acids.

There are two varieties of Garlic which are used in medications-

1. Allium schoenoprasum Linn.

2. Allium tuberosum Roxb.

Ayurvedic Properties (Gun-dharm)


Balance Vata and Kapha and aggravates pitta dosha

Rasa (Taste)

Madhur(sweet), Lavan(salty), Tikta(bitter), kashaya(astringent), katu(pungent)

Guna (Qualities)

Snigdha(oily), Guru(heavy), Tikshna(Piercing)

Virya (Potency)


Vipka(Post Digestion Effect)




Garlic Medicinal Benefits and Usage


        Garlic Lowers Blood Pressure - helps in reducing high blood pressure. Aged garlic extract in the amount of 600-1,500 mg found effective as the alternative for common allopathic drugs in reducing blood pressure. garlic could be a handy herb in preparation for a tonic to reduce hypertension.

        Improve Cholesterol Levels -that garlic supplements have an important role in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia as dried garlic powder preparation significantly promotes good cholesterol level.

        Head diseases-  Garlic not only provides vitality to hairs but taking it as raw form can also help us to reduce headache.

        Protects Liver- toxicity is one of the major causes of liver dysfunction.  garlic extract can do miracles for the liver and hepatitis. garlic is an effective liver cleansing agent. It stimulates the production of liver enzymes that help the body to flush out toxins.

        Garlic for Cancer- Garlic has shown effective results in cancer such as lung, prostate, and breast cancers. intake of raw or semi-roasted garlic bulb twice a week lowered the risk of developing cancer. garlic was found to be helpful in destroying the cells in glioblastomas(type of deadly brain tumor).

        Garlic For Fever- Garlic is blessed with tons of antibacterial, and antifungal properties. The hot potency of garlic lowers high fever by promoting sweating. 1-2 garlic cloves crushed with warm water. having this twice a day for promising results.

        Baldness- Just fry the garlic in sesame oil, filter it, and then apply this oil on the head to get rid of baldness.

        Head ringworm- Just Grind the garlic and apply on the head  of the ringworm.

        Ear pain- fry garlic in mustard oil, filter it, then dropping two drops of it in-ear will mitigate your ear pain.

        Hiccup - asthma- an individual can inhale garlic and onion juice to get rid of continuous hiccups and asthma.

        Breast augmentation- Eating garlic can increase breast augmentation.

        Heart disease - Garlic is one of the best remedies for heart disease because it helps our body to improve blood circulation and reduces cholesterol.

Add milk in 9-10 ml garlic decoction and taking it micro quantity will help you to get relief from heart disease.

        Abdomen diseases - Garlic can help you to reduce your weight and it can make your digestion good enough. Many digestive problems like diarrhea can be removed from garlic.

        Swelling of a belly- Add milk in 9-10 ml garlic decoction and taking it will help you to get relief from heart disease.

        Helminth disease- Eating 2 gm of garlic buds will get you relief from diarrhea, motions and stomach worms.

        Vaginal diseases- Taking garlic juice (4-5 ml) early morning daily &  having milk and etc in food can mitigate vaginal diseases.

         Arthritis - Garlic has been taken in the use for therapy of fractures and it is providing endurance to bones. Garlic is one of the best things for the rheumatoid patient. Taking a small bulb in paste form (2 gm ) of garlic with ghee and eating melted butter food can mitigate rheumatism disease.

        myoskeletal disorder - frying garlic in oil, filter it and then have the message will get you rid of myoskeletal disorder.

        Arthritis - fry garlic paste in oil, filter it and then have the massage will get you relief from arthritis.

        Skin disease-

        grinding the garlic and applying on ulcer, hoove, and pimples will give you relief.

        Overall garlic also protects us from malaria and fever too.


Useful Parts: Root, Leaves, Seeds



Raw-3 to 6 grams of peeled garlic (whole or paste)

Juice- 5-8 ml

Powder- 2-3 gm

Capsule / tablet - 1-2 capsule twice a day


 ** Above Post is for Information Purposes, data are collected from various literatures or experiences of many physicians (vaidya). Please do consult your doctor before trying. **


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