Parijat (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis) (हर-श्रृंगार) | Introduction | Medicinal Benefits | Usage

10 Incredible Medicinal Benefits of Parijat  (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis) (हर-श्रृंगार)

Parijat Common Synonyms

Botanical Name

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis


Night Jasmine


हार-श्रृंगार, पारिजात


pushpak, raag-pushpi, kharpatrak


Kuri, ganga-seyoli, gul-e-jafari, Sewali, jayaparvati



Parijat (हर-श्रृंगार) Introduction

Parijat is considered a divine tree. It is believed that parijat appeared as the result of the Samudra mantha, Which lord Indra had planted in his Heaven. later Shri Krishna brought this divine tree from heaven to the earth and while Krishna was bringing the tree of Parijat, lord Indra cursed the tree that the flowers of this tree will not bloom during the day.

Parijat (हर-श्रृंगार) is a beautiful tree with beautiful and fragrant flowers. Originally Parijat is a native of Indian subcontinent, it is also cultivated in some regions usually on 1500 meters above sea level, Since ages Parijat’s uses are defined in Ayurveda. It is a shrub tree up to 5-15 meters tall, leaves are 5–12 cm long, 2–6 cm wide, pointed, rough and green on the top surface. The flowers are very fragrant, small, white color and bright orange in the middle. fruits are 2 cm long and wide, 2-3 mm broad, and greenish. Its flowering time is from September to December.

Parijat Flower
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis

Parijat Ayurvedic Properties (Gun-dharm)


Reduce Kapha and Vata Dosha

Rasa (Taste)


Guna (Qualities)

Ruksha(dry), laghu(light)

Virya (Potency)


Vipka(Post Digestion Effect)



Detoxifier (विरेचक), anti-inflammatory 

Parijat Medicinal Benefits and Usage

  1. Parijat Benefits in Throat: chewing the root of Parijat causes the eradication of mumps.

  2. Parijat Benefits in Nasal: By chewing the root nasal bleeding is suppressed.

  3. Parijat Uses in Intestinal worms: Intestinal worms are excreted by consuming juice of fresh parijat leaves.

  4. Parijat Uses in Gonorrhoea: Parijat decoction (20 ml) is beneficial in gonorrhea(प्रमेह).

  5. Parijat Uses in Frequent Urination: Consuming decoction of parijat panchang will help to prevent Frequent Urination.

  6. Parijat Uses in Arthritis, slip disc, and cervical pain:
    • Pain and inflammation: Decoction of leaves helps you to lessen the pain of arthritis, slip disc and cervical pain add 2 spoons of castor oil for a miraculous results.
    • Arthritis: Consumption Parijat root decoction reduces the occurrence of arthritis.
    • Rheumatism: Crush a few leaves, cook to make it lukewarm and apply it on rheumatism, provides relief in rheumatism
  7. Rheumatism: Crush a few leaves, cook to make it lukewarm and apply it on rheumatism, provides relief in rheumatism

  8. Parijat Uses in Ringworms: Applying the juice or paste of parijat leaves over the affected area, mitigates ringworm.
  9. Parijat Uses in Chronic fever: 10 ml Parijat juice is used to reduce fever. add 2 grams of Trikatu powder in it in case of chronic fever. 
  10. Parijat Uses in Neuralgia: making a decoction of nirgundi leaves and Parijat leaves, drinking 20-30 ml is a mitigation of neuralgia.
Parijaat leaf seed and flower 

Useful: Leaf, Root and bark


leaves juice: 5-10ml

Leaves Decoction: 15-30ml

Above Post is for Information Purposes, data are collected from various literatures or experiences of many physicians (vaidya). Please do consult your doctor before trying.


  1. My search ends here.. So amazed to see dis packed info. in one... Plz provide benefits of brahmi too.


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