23 Amazing Benefits of Cumin (जीरा) (Cuminum cyminum) | Introduction | Common Names | Usages | Gallery
Cumin (जीरा) (Cuminum cyminum) Introduction : Cumin (जीरा) (Cuminum cyminum) Cumin is a small herb plant growing up to 30-50 cm in height. Cumin stem is 20-30 cm long in dark green colored and its leaves are compound and alternative whereas its fruits cremocarp are green but turn into grey when they start ripening and its seeds are yellow-brown in color. Cumin is of three types- White, black (श्याम) and wild. We all are familiar with white cumin as it is used as spices in the kitchen because it adds aroma and taste to food. Its seeds and fruits are used for remedy. Cumin Common Names Cumin is a good remedy for digestive canal disorders. Cumin is used as a remedy for flatulence, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhoea, dysentery and etc. Krishna jeera is also the same type of cumin. Cumin is cultivated throughout India and mostly in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan & Punjab. Charak has described its medicinal uses for Diarrhoea, Respiratory problems, Cough, CSOM, Veneral dis...