Ashoka (Saraca asoca) (अशोक) | Introduction | Common Names | Benefits | Usages | Gallery

 Ashoka (Saraca asoca) (अशोक) Introduction :

Ashoka Leaves (3 colors)

Ashok is like a pearl in Indian forest medicine. It has been found important since ancient times. Ashoka stands for reliever of misery and also known for decreasing your sorrows. In Ramayana, Sita Mata was kept under the Ashoka tree for 1 year by Ravana. Ashoka trees are planted in gardens for decoration purposes. It has been worshipped by some people in a different part of India due to its religious significance. It is faith that Lord Buddha took birth under the Ashoka tree. It is commonly found in Bihar, Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, Karnataka, and also found in western ghats of India.  Due to cooling property, it helps in lowering individual body temperatures.


Ashoka Common Names

Ashoka tree is also called a friend of women because it helps them in their management of reproductive problems & Menorrhagia.

There are mostly two varieties used in medicine purpose - Saraca asoca & false Ashoka ( Polyalthia longifolia)

Polyalthia logifolia branches are not dense like Saraca asoca.

Ashoka can be used in numerous forms for different health conditions. It can be in tablet, capsule, powder, and paste form. It is used externally and internally as per the condition.

External uses- local application paste can be used in the affected part for lessening pain.

Its paste can be used poisoning as it has antidotal qualities.

Internal uses- It can be used in curing general digestive problems like- burping, colic pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, dysentery & ascites.

Ashoka Ayurvedic Properties


Ashoka Medicinal Benefits and Usage:

  • Thorax diseases: Respiratory problems- feeding 60-65mg powder of Ashoka seed's powder by wrapping in the betel leaf can be beneficial for respiratory diseases.

  • Abdominal Disease: Taking the powder of Ashoka two times a day after dinner can get you rid of abdominal pain and twitches. Absorbing leaves or bark of the Ashoka can clear the digestive region of parasitic worm infection.

Saraca asoca

  • Vomiting: crushing the flower of Ashoka in water and applying the poultice of it on the breasts and then feeding milk to the child can stop his vomiting.

  • Bloodstained: one can get relax from blood-stained by crushing the 3-4 gm flower of Ashoka in water and drinking it.

  • Kidney problems: Stones problem- by crushing 1-2 gm of Ashoka seed in water and drinking two spoons can help to control kidney stones.

  • Heart disease: Ashoka can be used for the treatment of cardiac and can assist people suffering from hypertension, circulatory problems, and congestive heart failure. It helps in the regulation of blood composition and stabilizing blood circulation by making it available for all parts of the body.

  • Skin problems: Ashoka's bark has natural detoxification quality that improves skin complexion and helps in keeping the body free from toxin.

  • Gynecological problems: As Ashoka tree is also called a friend of women because it helps them in their management of reproductive problems & Menorrhagia. Menorrhagia means excessive menstrual bleeding which can be controlled by Ashoka.

In the female, it is generally used for regulating harm of the menstrual cycle. It helps in improving strength and stamina in female having menstrual irregularities.


  • Menstrual disorder: Drinking 20-30 ml quantity decoction of Ashoka's bark can mitigate menstrual disorder.


  • Vaginal relaxation: the bark of Ashoka, the bark of acacia, the bark of ficus, gallnut & alum crushing equally and making 50 gm powder and boil it in 400ml water then get the 100ml decoction, now just filter it then washing vagina will give vaginal reaxation.

  • Ashoka for bleeding piles: Ashoka is acknowledged that it can be helpful in piles problems due to it's lessening inflammatory replies.

  • Bleeding piles: Drinking  20 ml decoction of Ashoka's bark can get rid of bleeding piles.

  • Ashoka for Diabetes: Ashoka's flower can be used for management of diabetes because it helps in regulating the glucose level in the body.

  • Bones related problems: Fracture- drink 5-6 gm powder of Ashoka's bark with milk in the early morning & in the evening and applying the paste of it can rejoin your broken bones. 

  • Some other problems - Ashoka also helps in reducing thirst and curing helminthiasis. Ashoka's seed powder is beneficial in dysuria & renal calculi. It also helps in prohibiting the reformation of calculi.


Useful part: Bark, Leaves, Seeds, flower


Juice- 10 ml

Powder- 2-3 gm

Capsule / tablet - 1-2 capsule twice a day

** Above Post is for Information Purposes, data are collected from various literature or experiences of many physicians (vaidya). Please do consult your doctor before trying. **


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